It was bound to happen. Being a book nerd tends to spread into all areas of my life, so sooner a later a blog series about books was bound to come up. And I'm so excited!
I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. There was, however, that odd stage in my life when reading became only an academic activity, and I sort of forgot that pleasure reading even existed or I just wasn't interested. It was a span of time from elementary school to almost high school. So, mostly middle school. But once one of my bookish friends suggested I read the Hunger Games, that brought my massive slump to an end. I devoured that series within a week, and I fell in love with reading again! I never stopped loving to read, I just needed a shove towards a re-awakening. And thank goodness for that friend of mine!
Since then, I've read Percy Jackson (yes, ALL of them), the Divergent series, the Legend series, Throne of Glass series, among many others including contemporaries, because I am most certainly not going to list off all the crap I've read to you. (no, I don't think books are actually crap you smart aleck)
Anyway, to kick off this book series, I thought I'd start with my top six favorite series of ALL TIME. (that is, out of what has crossed my path thus far) This includes series' that are not fully written, but... let's be honest. They've already won the spot since book one.
So, without further to do, from bottom to top; here is my Top Six Favorite Book Series':
Number (6

The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu! I haven't read this series in a while, so I honesty do not remember too many details about it. (here's a link to a quick synopsis) However, I do remember that it was the first unique dystopian series I had read since the Hunger Games. I was getting, dare I say, "bored" with all the cookie-cutter series' of the Hunger Games. I absolutely loved the series, but any other dystopian I had picked up just seemed too similar to THG, along with Divergent. So seeing a new world, unique characters, places, and conflicts was SO refreshing. Not only that, the story was interesting, suspenseful, thought-provoking, and just plain awesome. I was really able to connect with the characters, the romance was not cliche but rather raw and real, and the loyalty between June and Day was so cool to watch as it took form. Definitely check this series out if you haven't already.
Number (5

The Selection Series by Kiera Cass! And I'm talking the original trilogy. Yeah, the Heir was great, and I haven't yet gotten around to reading the Crown, but... I honestly don't know if I ever will. I'll go into more detail on that when I do a segment on series' I don't intend on finishing. *sheepish grin* Hold your fire. Anywho, the trilogy! At first glance, these books kind of give the impression of a girly, princessy, glamourous kind of read. Which, it kind of is. It definitely has elements of that in there, but you really can't avoid that when it takes place in a castle that's holding a beauty pageant for the Prince to find a queen. However, this series is also a dystopian, so there's more depth that goes into the story than the Selection (said beauty pageant) and the facade of glamour. In fact, there's really nothing glamorous about what's really going down in their world. All society is divided into a caste system based on their talents and abilities, and it is in no way fair at all. In fact, most of the population lives in poverty while only a select few are left filthy rich. I love this series because of the originality and creative mind of Kiera Cass. Each character is believable, the story is so fascinating and well-written, and the romance... it's beautiful. The drama? It's awesome. The love triangle? You get used to it. The conflict and society battle? Fantastic. Well done, Cass.
Number (4
The Doon Series by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon! I just finihsed reading the last book in this series, Forever Doon, a few days ago. And it. Was. Amazing! One of the best endings in a series I have ever read. Now, a little context to this series; it's a fiction real world/fantasy crossover. What I mean by this is that it is all fictitious (obviously), but the world is present earth in the United States and Scotland. However, the main characters, Veronica Welling and Mackenna Reid, cross the Brig-a'-Doon when they're in Scotland, which leads them to the fantasy/mystical land of Doon. The concept is based off the legend of the Brig-a"-Doon, and it is so interesting and awesome! I can be a sucker for mystical kingdoms and fantasy lands with all their castles, people, and surroundings. There's just something beautiful and unique about it, and I just love it. Besides the fact it's an awesome concept and story, and takes place in Scotland with princes that speak in Scottish brogues... let's appreciate the freaking characters! I related SO much to Vee and Kenna with their incredibly distinct personalities and how their friendship was so complementary of each other. In addition to them, the princes (Duncan and Jamie) had just THE BEST bromance, the court and townsfolk were just so close-knit. The whole kingdom was just in harmony, and it was so beautiful! Until the conflicts, relationships, and dramas arise, and then it gets even more interesting! But yes, amazing. Read this series, people!
Number (3
Ah, the top three. Let me just say that THIS WAS A FREAKING BATTLE. Forget narrowing books down to six options. Labeling my top three was like choosing a favorite coffee shop. (not easy) But here we go!

Percy Freaking Jackson. Enough said. Percy is my absolute favorite sassy character in like, all book time. Leo gives him a run for his money later on in the second series, but Percy still holds the sass title! This series actually really surprised me. I wasn't intending to read it whatsoever because of, I don't know, the skepticism I had with the whole Greek mythology thing being entertaining. But the moment I read the first sentence, literally, the first sentence on the page which happened to be the chapter title, "I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher," I died. I died the kind of death that only book nerds do when they realize how close-minded they were. These books are a work of art! The logistics and facts of Greek mythology, the real world woven into that mythology, the characters, the plot line throughout the whole series, the conflicts, relationships, the freaking characters! Just, wow! And going back to that chapter title; how hysterical! Each chapter title in the series is a clever and/or humorous statement from Percy of what the main event in that chapter is. These may be labeled as "middle-grade" books, but it's the same exact kind of phenomenon that my next favorite series is: timeless and ageless. These books are so good and so well-written and thought out that readers of all ages of all time will love or at least appreciate this series. I personally love both installments of Percy Jackson, but the first series, the Olympians, is the one that really hits that mark.
Number (2

Lo and behold, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling! Yes, as I said before, this series is timeless and ageless and will go down in history, I believe, as classics. And I can say this because I was very late in the game for reading Harry Potter. I have the same story as most that were not allowed to read or watch Harry Potter growing up. (Evil witchcraft) But this summer, I got my hands on the series and dove right in. Just as I thought, it was a series I would have LOVED growing up. But the cool thing is that I love it now as much as I would have loved it back then. Thus, my case that HP is most definitely a timeless classic that will go down in history. (as if it already has not.) However, because of college, I haven't had time to finish the series, so I've yet to read Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. (once again, hold your fire) I tried so hard to finish all of them during the summer, but I get SO busy once college starts back up. And this past summer was unusually busy as well with work, a month-long outdoors and traveling vacation, summer camp staffing, so... *waves goodbye to free time*. But hey, I'll get there. My TBR pile may be pretty monstrous, but these guys are up top. I could say so much on why these books are amazing, but it's so much easier (and better) if I let them speak for themselves. Go READ.
**Also, I am in no way bashing those who feel convicted to not read Harry Potter because of the witchcraft aspect. I totally understand and respect anyone with those boundaries. You should never allow the opinions of others to make you do something you feel is wrong or un-safe. So conversely, in return, do not bash those who do love and appreciate these books for what they are and the real message and meaning they give. We are all entitled to love what we love and have our own and usually different boundaries and opinions. And that's cool. :)
Drumroll please...
Number (1

After much internal battling and sacrifice, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. takes the crown this time! Not every book is out yet, one more is expected. But so far, this series... gosh, this freaking series. I seriously do not know what makes these books so addicting and fantastic. I'm currently reading Empire of Storms, the fifth book that just came out this October, and I got sucked right back in as quickly as I did with every other book. Now granted, Heir of Fire, the third book, took a bit to get into. (I blame it on the "middle-of-the-series" slump. It's a thing. Most every series has one.) But because of the greatness of the previous two books, it made me read on. And once it picked up... CRAP. So much went down, that book was amazing! But as I said, these books have captured my attention, sentiment, fascination, and love unlike any others. Sure yeah, that's happened with other books, but this series is different. It's SO incredibly unique, the world and conflicts are just a big jaw-dropper, the characters are so admirable and real, and the fantasy! The creatures, kingdoms, battles, magic. It's so fantastic! Sarah J. Maas is just such a phenomenal author. She is pretty blunt in her writing, so her books are most definitely not for the more conservative reader. But, I LOVE it. She is so fantastic, I love all of her books. So you should read these. And her other series, A Court of Thorns and Roses. Just do it. Do the reading thing.
Well, there you have it! After much internal screaming, dissecting, and contemplation, I've successfully narrowed down a top six. Barely. And believe me, it's barely. That task was hard stuff, bro.
So that's it for this bookish post! If you love to read and are looking for something new, check these guys out! Also, let me know what some of your favorites are or if we share any favorites! Drink some coffee or tea, enjoy the little things, and have a great day people.
Oh, and a Merry Christmas! (:

I simply love this post, for a reader like me this is cherry on the top, I haven't read few of these books but I guess now I have to do it. Thanks for sharing it