I got a full-blown two chapters written out with nonstop
typing. It was awesome! This is a good sign. It means I might actually make it to my goal of finishing it all by February or March. Then all of you can read it for real instead of the occasional excerpts that I'm posting. I must say, writing an actual book is fun...but also hard at times.
There were many times I had writer's block that just wouldn't go away. The worst case was when I was in the middle of writing chapter eleven. It was partly because I was gone most of that time at various summer camps, but it drove me mad. But this is the good thing about God's constant presence. I prayed about it, and read some books. That always helps me when writer's block is at its worst. But, it comes to show what dedication can do. I can confidently say my book is half-way written...and I can't wait for the day you get to read all the twists and turns, and jaw-droppers I'm throwing in there. ;) Its pretty epic. I surprised even myself! I'm excited!

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